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Image by Evan Hein

Why Get A Hedge? 


Aesthetic appeal


Hedges can add a natural and aesthetic appeal to your property, creating a beautiful and cohesive look. You can choose from a variety of hedge types and sizes to complement your landscape and achieve your desired garden. A neatly trimmed hedge that is in good condition can create an attractive boundary around your property, which can increase its overall appeal and property value. By adding texture, colour, and structure to your garden you create a more visually appealing and inviting environment for people to enjoy.




Hedges can also make your property more secure by creating an external barrier that is difficult to penetrate. Depending on the type of hedge, it can be dense and thorny, making it hard to climb or permeate. This can deter potential intruders and enhance safety and security. A dense and healthy hedge can signal that the property is cared for and well-maintained, suggesting that the owners are likely to be vigilant and aware of any suspicious activity.




​If you want to create a private and secluded area on your property, a hedge can be an excellent choice. A thick, dense hedge provides a visual barrier that can block the view from neighbours, surrounding roads, walkways and potential intruders from seeing into your property. This can make your property less of a target for burglars or vandals. This can provide you with the privacy you desire, making your property feel more like a personal retreat. In addition to providing visual screening, hedges can also greatly reduce the amount of sound that reaches your property from nearby roads and pedestrians. This can create a more peaceful and relaxing environment within your property, allowing you to enjoy your outdoor space without the unwanted noise.

Image by Dimitri Iakymuk



Hedges are an excellent addition to any landscape, not only for their aesthetic value but also for their environmental benefits. In recent years, there has been an increased interest in the use of hedges for their ability to improve the environment in various ways. Here are some of the reasons why hedges are good for the environment:


  1. Absorb carbon dioxide: Hedges are effective at absorbing carbon dioxide from the air, which is a major contributor to global warming. By planting hedges, you can help to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which can have a positive impact on climate change.

  2. Provide habitat for wildlife: Hedges can provide habitat and food for a wide range of wildlife, including birds, insects, and small mammals. This can help to support biodiversity and create a healthier ecosystem.

  3. Reduce soil erosion: Hedges can help to reduce soil erosion by acting as a windbreak, reducing the force of winds that can erode soil. They can also help to stabilize soil by reducing the impact of rainfall and runoff.

  4. Improve air quality: Hedges can help to improve air quality by absorbing pollutants and particulate matter from the air. They can also help to filter out dust and other airborne particles.

  5. Provide shade: Hedges can provide shade, which can help to reduce the amount of energy needed to cool buildings in hot weather. This can help to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.


In conclusion, hedges are an excellent addition to any landscape, providing numerous environmental benefits. They can help to absorb carbon dioxide, provide habitat for wildlife, reduce soil erosion, reduce noise pollution, improve air quality, provide shade, and enhance the aesthetic value of the landscape. By planting hedges, we can create a healthier and more sustainable environment for ourselves and future generations.

Image by Jon Tyson

Self Regeneration & Growth

A hedge is a natural fence made up of living plants, and it has the advantage of being self-regenerative. This means that over time, the hedge can repair itself and constantly regenerate, without needing to be replaced. As the plants grow and mature, the hedge becomes thicker, stronger, and more secure, providing an even better barrier against intruders.


In contrast, a fence is usually made of non-living materials like wood or metal, and it tends to deteriorate over time. Exposure to the elements, such as rain, wind, and sun, can cause the fence to warp, rot, or rust. Eventually, the fence may break down and need to be replaced, which can be costly and time-consuming.


Therefore, a hedge offers a more sustainable and long-lasting solution for creating a barrier or boundary. Not only does it provide a natural and attractive feature to your landscape, but it also offers the benefits of privacy, noise reduction, and wind protection. Plus, it can be a haven for wildlife, providing food and shelter for birds, insects, and small mammals. So if you're looking for a fence that will stand the test of time, consider planting a hedge instead.


A hedge is much more than just a boundary or a fence - it is a thriving ecosystem that greatly benefits the local ecology. When you plant a hedge instead of a lifeless fence, you allow a whole spectrum of living organisms to flourish, from animals and plants to fungi and bacteria.


One of the key benefits of a hedge is that it supports a complex network of mycorrhizal connections between trees and other plants. Mycorrhizae are symbiotic associations between fungi and plant roots, which help the plants to absorb nutrients from the soil and improve their resistance to pests and diseases. By allowing these fungal networks to develop, you can create a rich and diverse habitat for a range of wildlife.


The rhizosphere, which refers to the portion of soil found adjacent to the roots of living plants, is subject to the influence of chemicals excreted by the roots of these plants and the microbial community. The soil region where plants, microbes, and other soil organisms support one another (rhizosphere) includes thousands of species of bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes, worms, slugs, insects, mites, and much more, which can be as much as 100 times more numerous than in non-rhizosphere soil zones.


By planting a hedge, you create a habitat for all of these creatures, which in turn attracts a range of cold-blooded amphibians and reptiles such as frogs, newts, common lizards, and slow worms. These creatures provide food for birds and small mammals, which helps to support the entire food chain. In addition, the dense foliage of a hedge provides shelter and nesting sites for a range of bird species, such as robins, wrens, and blackbirds.


Overall, a hedge is a beautiful and sustainable feature that greatly benefits the local ecology. By choosing to plant a living, sentient being instead of a lifeless fence, you can create a thriving ecosystem that supports a diverse range of wildlife. So next time you're in your garden, take a moment to appreciate the beauty and complexity of nature that surrounds you.

Image by Jonathan Taylor

NEGATIVES to getting a hedge?

Image by Jeremy Morris


Watering plays a vital role in the survival of newly planted trees, especially during the first few years, and even more so during hot summer months. Most trees are raised on tree nurseries, where they have a contained root system due to being grown in air pots, regular pots, or being root-balled for easy handling and planting. As a result, the contained root system means the water absorption area from the roots is small, and the plant cannot absorb much water. To ensure the health of your trees, it is necessary to water them often, especially during the first 3-5 years until the roots spread. An irrigation system can be highly beneficial in providing a consistent water supply, even for well established trees and flower beds. At our company, we offer top-of-the-range irrigation systems installed by our professional team, but if you have the time and inclination, watering by hand can be an extremely peaceful and meditative experience. Watering your trees by hand can also provide other benefits beyond just keeping them alive. It can be a chance to connect with nature and take a break from the stresses of daily life. Additionally, the act of watering can help establish a deeper connection with your trees, making it more likely that you will notice changes in their growth and health over time. So whether you choose to install an irrigation system or water your trees by hand, regular watering primarily during the early years is crucial for their survival and growth. It not only ensures optimal tree health but also provides a rewarding and peaceful experience for you as the caretaker


As a living being, a tree undergoes continual growth and change, shedding leaves throughout its life. To ensure that trees maintain their desired height and shape, it is necessary to trim them twice a year, once in spring and once in summer. With proper pruning and maintenance, trees and hedges can be kept in optimal condition for years to come.


Contrary to popular belief, trees do not have to grow uncontrollably and become a nuisance. With careful attention and care, you can maintain the size and shape of your trees and hedges. For deciduous trees that shed their leaves in the fall, leaf blowing and tidying may be necessary during these months.


At Instant Tree, we understand the importance of proper tree and garden maintenance, including waste removal. Our comprehensive services cover all aspects of garden care, so you can rest assured that your trees and hedges are in good hands.

Image by Jon Tyson


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